Saturday, March 21 - Monday, March 23, 2020
Today's motto; When in doubt, seek water. When you've had enough, strap the crazies into their straightjackets (car seats) and drive. Destination of choice this weekend was Killarney. Nothing soothes the soul (mine anyway) like the waters of the North Channel, so off to the lighthouse we went. I'm better at pictures than words, so here you go:
Because we had nothing better to do, we crawled through the sleepy town of Killarney before heading home. Rest assured, it's in good hands...this guy was patiently waiting to greet guests at Killarney Mountain Lodge. I couldn't bring myself to tell him it was going to be a while...

And now it's Monday. March Break is officially over and I'm officially out of excuses for neglecting my kids so we perused Ontario's "Learn-at-Home" offerings. It wasn't a fight to get them to focus, so TVO must be onto something.
Phys Ed was next - we gave F45 a shot! Aunty Anshoo and Uncle Kyle own a gym in Pickering and are killing the virtual game. Kids lasted one round, but "Teacher" sweated it out for a full 45. Anyone can join, so check 'em out if you need a way to keep moving!
Outdoor exploration led to a sad game of Wall Ball, and a Fluvial Geomorphology lesson in the Lo-Ellen Park S.S. parking lot. (Who needs Science North?) Conclusion; School yard games kinda suck without friends, and dirt & water are fun.
#sudbury #covidsudbury #covidontario #covidon #covidcanada #canadacovid19 #covid19 #coronavirus #flattenthecurve #selfisolation #isolate #socialdistnacing #socialdistancingnow #staythefuckhome #staythefhome #stayathomechallenge #community #connection #stircrazy #stayathomesavelives #killarney #killarneymountainlodge #lighthouse #fluvialgeomorphology #sciencelesson #spring #ice #georgianbay #northchannel #f45