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Thank you for your support, Sudbury!

The request form is now closed. I have truly enjoyed meeting so many new faces and am grateful for the excitement and support you provided during this isolating time. In total, over $1500 was pledged to Health Sciences North's Covid Support Fund and #TheFrontStepsProject as a whole has raised over $1.25 MILLION for organizations in need across the globe!


Alas, I must transition from volunteering my time and talent to earning a living and supporting my family.


As your life events, family celebrations and quest for holiday card photos continue, please consider hiring an independent photographer to capture those special memories. Participating in #TheFrontStepsProjectSudbury was about sharing joy and supporting HSN, not replacing an industry that, like others, needs your support in the months ahead.

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In Support Of:

Should you wish to make a monetary contribution, we ask that you direct donations to the Health Sciences North Covid-19 Support Fund. 

If donating as an individual, please indicate "The Front Steps Project" in the optional Organization field so we can estimate project contributions.

Learn More

The idea  has been floating around the internet since early isolation days. It came to my attention when local photography duo, PhotoCaptiva offered their services for a day to the Greater Sudbury area. After a quick Google, I found #TheFrontStepsProject founders in Needham, Massachusetts! Cara Soulia, together with friends has created a viral movement inspiring photographers from across the continent to bring people together the best way they know how. So...I can't take credit, but I can contribute!

My name is Jess, and I take photos. My images are documentary in nature and typically involve sport, action and stories, but I'm excited to put my zoom lens to work for you and your isolation pod! I've been training my camera on our own family's experiences through these strange weeks, so you can see recent examples on my blog.

Throughout the coming weeks of isolation, I am offering families a quick n' easy photo session on your front steps, your driveway or in your yard.
With the help of my trusty zoom, I will abide by all social & physical distancing requirements and suggestions, so don your Sunday Best, leave the PJ's on, or raid the
Tickle Trunk. I'm here to keep you in your comfort zone, break the monotony and provide a piece of Pandemic memorabilia.

These sessions are FREE of charge, I only ask that you pay it forward by lending a hand or offering a service to someone in need over the coming days, weeks (and months???). If you'd like to do so with a monetary donation, please direct it to the Health Sciences North Covid-19 Support Fund. When completing the form, please indicate "The Front Steps Project - Sudbury" in the "Organization" field.


Here's what'll go down:

  1. You can request a session by completing the form below. You will receive an email confirmation so watch your junk folder.

  2. Once I've received enough interest from a particular neighbourhood, I'll notify families of the date and approximate time I plan to visit.

  3. You will receive a text when I'm enroute to your house, so get your brood outside!

  4. You do your thing - I snap away for 5 minutes or so.

  5. You twiddle your thumbs and wait for digital delivery of your photo(s)!





Nitty Gritty:

  1. Participants agree to have fun with this.

  2. Participants confirm they reside within Greater Sudbury. 

  3. Participants understand that Jess is not a seasoned portrait photographer (ie; She can snap 'em, but won't be much help with posing if that's what you're looking for) That being said, she can guarantee awesome images if you can rally the troops for a game of road hockey, a driveway chess match, a round of double dutch, sidewalk chalk n' bubbles session...whatever gets your isolation-pod moving together!

  4. Participants grant permission for their image(s) to be posted online by Jess McShane Photography.

  5. Copyright of photographs remains with the Photographer. The Photographer grants the Participants the rights to make physical copies and distribute digital images under the following conditions;

• The images taken by the Photographer are for personal use by the Participants and their friends and relatives.
• The Participants cannot under any circumstances edit or crop images without written and signed permission from the Photographer.
• Sale, Publication or any Commercial use of the photographs are not allowed without prior written permission from the Photographer.

Nitty Gritty
Registration Form



Family Session Request Form

Send me your info and I will let you know when I'm coming to your neighbourhood.

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